
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mango Ice Sticks

Old, young or a tiny toddler…..everyone loves to enjoy  this ice stick irrespective of their age. It takes my memory down to my school days how we used to long  for the arrival of the ice stick seller, who would come in a bicycle.  I would choose bright colours as it would give colour to my lips and it’s a kind of  thrill to eat these flavored ice sticks.  Ice sticks are my favorites even now. They are in different flavours, since we are  amidst the mango season, I have used mango, you can create variations with different seasonal fruits and enjoy this. Fizzy Mango Minty Ice stick.


Makes 4 ice sticks

1 mango (I used Alphonso)
1 can Sprite or use a perrier water – small bottle
sugar, to taste
10 fresh mint leaves if you like (I personally did not like it – will avoid this next time)
juice of 1 big lime

Blend the mango, sprite/p.water, sugar and lime juice in a blender or food processor until smooth. Adjust seasoning as needed. A Note — the mix should taste slightly more sweeter in the liquid form to get the right sweetness when its frozen.

Fill up the mango mix into the ice stick maker. Leave a  bit of headroom at the top, as the sticks will expand. Insert  ice sticks after 30 minutes into each mold. Continue to freeze until firm approx 5 hours or overnight.

To remove, run the molds quickly under hot water, and gently pull out the ice stick.
NOTE:  My ice stick maker has a stick so it was easy for me to use. If any left over  mango mix – u may   put them on the designed ice cube trays and use as decorative instead of the plain ice cubes for any of the drinks u serve.

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