I have never posted more recipe from the middle eastern
cuisine, I made two types of pita one I
used completely with all purpose flour and the second type I made was using
half of the whole wheat flour and all
purpose flour to make it more healthy. Both were extremely soft and fluffy.
I felt more comfortable to use the
stove top method to bake the pita as handling it was much easy.
: 8 to 10
taken: 2hrs
water – 1 cup (not boiling hot)
or instant yeast – 2 tsp
purpose flour – 2 ½ to 3 cups
– 2 tsp
oil - 2 tsp
Mix water, yeast together and let it
sit for about 10 minutes until the yeast is well dissolved and bubbles are
In a big bowl add the flour (2 ½ cup
and the rest you can add whilst kneading), salt, 1tsp olive oil and mix
well. Now add the yeast mixture and knead the dough well, keep adding the extra
flour on the work area and kneed for about 10 minutes until smooth dough is
formed. If the flour is left out never mind we can use it at the later stage.
In a clean bowl brush the dough with olive oil and cover it
with a wet cloth or cling film and now let this rise double the size (probably
1 or 2 hours or even more depending on your climate).
Gently deflate the dough on a
lightly floured work
area. Divide into 8 balls and flatten each balls into thick disc and cover the
disc with a kitchen towel until you are ready to roll them.
Use a rolling pin and make nice small circles of the each disc about ¼ inch thick.
If you are not able to roll the dough and if its starts to spring back whilst
you are rolling which means it needs some more time of resting. After a while start rolling them back.
You can bake them at 450 deg on a
baking sheet for about 3 minutes as it puffs up like a balloon
you can get it out. You can put as many as your sheet can accommodate.

You can even make it on the stove top
on a skillet. Place a rolled pita on the hot skillet and when you see the small bubbles flip to the
other side for another 2 minutes, you will get nice puffed up balloon like
pita. If it does not puff then you just
press the pita gently with a clean towel
and it will puff. Cover the
cooked pitas with a clean dishtowel whilst cooking the rest of them.
Pitas are stored in an airtight bag or the
best is to have it hot as they are made.